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德国PTL灯座试验机IEC 60238

更新时间:2022-06-08 信息编号:1436838
德国PTL灯座试验机IEC 60238
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  • 进口灯座试验仪,灯座试验仪,灯座磨损试验装置,



德国PTL灯座试验机IEC 60238

PTL灯座试验机 德国PTL灯座试验机 F46.07灯座试验机供应进口灯座试验仪用于检测无电力负荷正常使用下在螺口灯座上的磨损或者有害影响,根据标准IEC 60238 / 1991-01&18 图4和5 , EN 60238 / 1992&18图4和5,DIN VDE 0616*1 / 11.92 18图4和5所示。 Standard outfit: worm drive, with pull tape, with rope pulley of diameter 102mm effectively including rope, with weight carrier, with a device to select E14-, E27- and E40-guide thread, with a shaft stub to fasten the test cap, geared motor, with crank, speed approx. 15 rpm, mounted on the casing, adapter for taking up the specimen, central axis movable and turnable to be in alignment with the longitudinal axis of the test cap,to be secured sturdily by clamping, on a holding trestle, mounted movable on the base support, with a threa- ded rod at the top to support the thrust, base support, approx. 650 mm long, with 2 bearing bases, mounted on the casing, control unit with main switch, push buttons 'I' and 'O' and predetermining counter, monitoring unit with proximity switch to realize the mechanical limit position of the test cap and with an extra-low voltage power supply to verify the contact making of the specimen, casing, designed as socle for the base support, containing the control unit, protec- tion hood with acrylic glass panes and with a safety switch. Design: casing of sheet steel, papyrus-white structure varnished, protection hood made of aluminum profiles, steel parts browned or nickel-plated, floor space of the casing approx. 700 mm x 380 mm, total height approx. 440 mm with protection hood closed, for operation on top of a table with a height of approx. 800 mm because of the up-and-down motion of the weight pieces, for connection to 230 V 50 Hz, other voltages on request, Article No.: F 46.07 Accessories : Test Cap , with suitable weight to apply the prescribed screw-in torque, thread: weight: Article No.: E 14 0,8 / 2 kg F 46.36 E 27 3 kg F 46.37

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梁福联梁福联 13632928084 询盘


  • 深圳市宝安区沙井镇南环路与西环路交汇处(华丰高新产业园)

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