首页>仪器仪表>量具/量仪>量仪附件>优惠价 **供应美国 ITW DYKEM红色墨水80696 DYKEM红色标识液 免费发布量仪附件信息

优惠价 **供应美国 ITW DYKEM红色墨水80696 DYKEM红色标识液

更新时间:2022-06-12 信息编号:1499482
优惠价 **供应美国 ITW DYKEM红色墨水80696 DYKEM红色标识液
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  • 美国墨水,dykem红色墨水,红色墨水,



优惠价 **供应美国 ITW DYKEM红色墨水80696 DYKEM红色标识液

Steel Red- Bottle 930 ml., 12/Cs Machine shop operators depend on DYKEM Layout Fluids to scribe sharp, clear, precise lines. When applied our layout fluids provide a uniform deep color that prevents glare and dries in minutes. All Dykem Layout Fluids create an extremely thin film which adds practically no thickness to the work piece and remains flexible without cracking and chipping. Reveals defects and pinholes in a variety of surfaces. Prevents Glare thus reduces eyestrain. Toluene-Free 品 名:DYKEM标示墨水(用于金属划线漆) 产 地:美国(ITW集团) 型 号:红色#80696;蓝色#80600 容 量:930ml 包 装:12瓶/箱 应 用:主要应用于电子、电路板、金属器械作标示记号。在金属面上涂上或喷涂该颜料,干燥后在上面直接划标记号、定尺寸、定形状物件或碰撞接触检验。 特 点:色膜薄、渗透好、清晰艳丽、快干、附着好、耐油、耐水 **供应DYKEM STEEL RED 快干,划线清晰,主要应用于当对齐金属齿轮时显示比蓝色明显点 型号:DYKEM_80696 快干,划线清晰,主要应用于当对齐金属齿轮时显示比蓝色明显点 型号:DYKEM_80696 Steel Red- Bottle 930 ml., 12/Cs Machine shop operators depend on DYKEM Layout Fluids to scribe sharp, clear, precise lines. When applied our layout fluids provide a uniform deep color that prevents glare and dries in minutes. All Dykem Layout Fluids create an extremely thin film which adds practically no thickness to the work piece and remains flexible without cracking and chipping. Reveals defects and pinholes in a variety of surfaces. Prevents Glare thus reduces eyestrain. Toluene-Free 型号:DYKEM_80696 Steel Red- Bottle 930 ml., 12/Cs Machine shop operators depend on DYKEM Layout Fluids to scribe sharp, clear, precise lines. When applied our layout fluids provide a uniform deep color that prevents glare and dries in minutes. All Dykem Layout Fluids create an extremely thin film which adds practically no thickness to the work piece and remains flexible without cracking and chipping. Reveals defects and pinholes in a variety of surfaces. Prevents Glare thus reduces eyestrain. Toluene-Free 颜色 : 红色 ; 包装 : 930ml ; 包装数量 : 12瓶/箱 ; 包装材质 : 纸箱 ; 规格 : 930ml ; 类型 : 特殊墨水 ; 型号 : 80696 ; ** : DYKEM ;

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